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Scuba Articles > lreese2 > Personal
My Great White Birthday Adventure My Great White Birthday Adventure
lreese2 - 10/16/2009 3:31 PM
This was my 7th "Great White birthday" spent out at Guadalupe Island cage diving with the white sharks. Guadalupe is my magic place in the world and I’ll continue to spend my birthdays out there until I can’t get my old ass out of the cage anymore! LOL Our adventure started in the parking lot of the Holiday Inn in San Diego. We all (16 of us) boarded a charter bus that took us to Ensenada, Mexico to get on the Solmar V. Man! The Solmar V is a REALLY nice boat! You can check it out at www.solmarv...
Mayhem at 35ft!!!! Mayhem at 35ft!!!!
lreese2 - 8/18/2009 1:23 AM
I’ve gone out to Breakwater in Monterey twice this month to try out my new camera. The first day was Aug 2nd. There were jellies everywhere! All different kinds. Most were floating around on the surface and I got a few good pics. I posted them in my photos. I went again on the 13th and to my shock, all the jellies were being held down on the bottom and being eaten by starfish! I didn’t know starfish ate jellies! There were hundreds of them! All being held down by the tentacles! I posted one pic ...