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Scuba Articles > sharkdiver73 > Personal
White Shark Jaws for Sale eBay White Shark Jaws for Sale eBay
sharkdiver73 - 5/28/2008 9:33 AM
Thanks to the sharp eyes of blog reader "Samir" we were notified this morning of this recent shark travesty on eBay. This is what you think it is and as it turns out it is not illegal in the USA to sell white shark jaws and teeth. If this item is still up on eBay you can find it here: Monster White Shark Jaws The current bidding is $1750 USD but will always go much higher if left to market driven buyers. The last set of jaws we saw on eBay a few years ago was a $5000 prior to our email campaign....
Adopt a Shark Adopt a Shark
sharkdiver73 - 1/31/2008 10:19 AM
Mexican shark researcher Mauricio Hoyos is in the eco news-this time with the internationally recognized Adopt a Shark Program. Adopt a Shark is a unique way for the public to support shark and ray conservation primarily in Mexico, but they are branching out worldwide. You literally Adopt a Shark that get`s tagged and tracked. Your donation pays for the tracking tags-and for guys like Mauricio to stay in the field for months on end. Research dollars for shark conservation are at all time lows in...