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Scuba Articles > Dorkfish > Photography
More UW photo tips
Dorkfish - 5/08/2008 5:40 AM
To strobe or not to strobe has been the long asked question. In many ocean and spring-fed conditions a strobe is completely applicable. But, if you’re in a man-made lake a strobe simply creates backscatter and on a deep dive it is even worse with the low light and low visibility conditions. Guess what, I have a couple of solutions for you! Tin foil is the photographer’s and videographer’s best friend. It can fix a shadowing problem in a pinch AND it’s cheap. Devise yourself a frame to mount a pi...
Olympus Evolt E-500 Review
Dorkfish - 3/22/2008 2:32 AM
I finally located that "can`t pass it up" deal after letting my Powershot A80 and housing go to a new home. I was in Circuit City and ran across an Olympus Evolt E-500 (SLR unit) body on clearance for $199. I managed to get the manager to lower the price to $159, so I picked it up. Almost peed myself (yes, I said it) when I found out that a 40-150mm lens would start at $479 and go up as lens size increased. Luckily I found that lens on eBay for $160. After giving the manual a 1 day once-over I t...