Dealing With Disappointment
My wife and I had an opportunity this summer that we haven’t had in at least five years: we had time to ourselves without our 6-year old and 3-year old around. My wife’s dad and step-mom offered to take our boys off of our hands this summer for two weeks to give them a bit of a vacation and to give us a break from being parents and to spend some extra time with just each other. My wife, much to my pleasant surprise, decided to book us a hotel in the Outer Banks, NC. I had never been there before...
The Mediator
My brother is an entrepreneur, and on his business facebook page, he asked his followers to go to Now, I have taken Myers-Briggs personality tests before, and I have always gotten one of two results: INFJ or ISFJ. I always straddle the line between an IN and an IS. I decided to go ahead and take this test on my brother’s request, though, and see how accurate I felt like this new website was. The test, itself, was painless and relatively quick. I didn’t clock myself, but the ...