EFR Class 50% off 6-25-08
News from N Depth Scuba in Chandler, AZ We are going to offer our Emergency First Responder (EFR) course 50% off!!! Don’t miss this opportunity to become First Aid Certified, CPR Certified and AED certified! Feel free to bring your friends and family to take advantage of this offer! When was the last time you did something for the first time? Make it today, with N-Depth Scuba! -The Crew!...
Check this out! This is a commercial ad for NDEPTH SCUBA in Chandler, Arizona that is scheduled to AIR on the Discovery Channel, ESPN2 and Fox Sports Arizona!! http://www.spotrunner.com/ads/host/play.aspx?cde=1GM Ps. NDEPTH SCUBA is owned by Justin Livesay, Joe and Chrissy Favazzo...and I`m Joe`s daughter! ;)...
Dive in the tanks at Walt Disney World!
Epcot Center allows divers to go into their tanks during business hours! It`s said you will see more and experience more in the time you are in the tank, than you would in weeks or even months diving off shore somewhere! How cool is this?! http://www.charel.com/diving/WDW.html http://scuba.about.com/od/divetravel/a/scubaepcot.htm...