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Scuba Articles > Beach_Bunny
My OW recap
Beach_Bunny - 6/05/2007 12:00 AM
When I first got into diving I had thoughts of warm tropical beaches and sunsets with pina coldas. Now I find myself craving water of any kind. I am convinced if I could get a decent surface interval I would diving rain puddles. This past weekend was an example of my reality vs what I thought it was going to be. The water was 61 degrees, how cold is this you ask.... ASS COLD. When you can`t feel you ass the water is ass cold. I was in a 7mm farmer john so while my core wasn`t too cold and I did ...
Blue Hole Memorial Day Blue Hole Memorial Day
Beach_Bunny - 6/05/2007 12:00 AM
Thanks to my sexy Palm 700 which you already know about…. You will get little updates today about Day 1 of the road trip. Its 1:50am and I just woke Gary up and told him we need to get a head start on the road trip, we are meeting my friend James from Scuba Board….. Car is loaded. One bad of clothing, one toiletries bag, one regulator bad and a bag of all of my equipment, check! Its 7am and I am texting James, " Do they have starbucks in Amarillo?", Thank god he replies yes!! I seriously think I...