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Scuba Articles > Tyson
Lake of the Ozarks (Boat Hoist) Lake of the Ozarks (Boat Hoist)
Tyson - 9/05/2007 1:03 PM
Down at the lake to visit family, my cousin had bought a new house and the old owners put a new hoist on top of the old one. This causes some issues in the winter months as the lake is prone to dropping a good six to eight feet. The new lift at this point is unusable as it will rest on the now submerged rusting hunk of iron. A very toasty 86F at the surface, air temp 100F, with the thermocline at 20 feet. I dropped in right off the dock and could really get the feel for 2-3 foot vis, the water g...
Morrison Springs July 2007 Morrison Springs July 2007
Tyson - 7/23/2007 12:00 AM
Headed down from St. Louis MO to check out the spring. A little hard to find the place. I mentioned that to a local and he said they like it that way. Anyhoo vis was good 70-90` water temp was steady at 68-69. We swam over the platform to the ball and dropped down. Saw a freshwater eel and some fish ( bass I think)down hole and to the sign you could feel the flow of water coming out, and the small bits of wood and such would swirl out from the cave. We hit the sign and peered in, not wanting to ...