Turks & Caicos - Provodenciales ’11
Southern Bahamas or Northern Caribbean?? What ever your preference is, you end up at the same spot. White sand beaches, warm water and crying babies! It’s not all that but there’s much more like good food, ice cream, secluded spots, ex pro athletes and funny mixed drink names. This time down, I went to duty free ’before’ boarding the airplane in Newark. The nice thing about doing that is, as soon as you get into your room a relaxing drink can be had instantly while you unpack. But this time the ...
Culebra, PR
June ’10 Traveling to Puerto Rico is pretty easy, making your way to Culebra Island is a bit more than claiming your bags and checking into your hotel. I was traveling with two other friends on this trip, we spent the day on the mainland and the night. The next day we drove the rental car to the return station that was closest to the Fajardo ferry port. We arranged for a van to take us to the ferry earlier in the day. We sat for about 45 minutes in a basic white station at the port, the pizza pl...
Epcot Dive Quest
Last week I went to Epcot to dive in their aquarium. It was a fun experience. There were a few interesting fish in the tank, but it was more fun to interact with the people on the observation platform and in the restaurant that is attached to the attraction. It was a long 45 minute dive... I say ’long’ due to the shorty and 78 degree water! I get cold quickly so by the 40 minute mark I was frozen! I think I was the last one to surface though. It was the most expensive single dive so far, and qui...
Oh Yeah! Going to Roatan in June!!! I am psyched....
Little Cayman
Little Cayman was a blast!!! I had many great dives there. Saw lots of interesting stuff too. I posted a bunch of photos. The food was the best so far and Duty Free in Grand Cayman has great prices!...