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Dive Log > pinkdolphi_ > Dive Site Unknown
Thu, March 15, 2018
Dives: 1
Bottom Time: 49 minutes
Max Depth: 41-50ft/12-15m
Avg Viz: 91-100ft/28-30m
Water Temp: 66-70°F/19-21°C
Weight: 5
Exposure Suit: None
Tank Type: AL - 80cf/11L
Gas Type: Air
Dive Buddy:   Rothchild
Other Dive Site: Blue Grotto - Williston - Florida - USA
Dive site has not been selected.
Descend to 10ft, hover, descend to 20ft platform, valve drills, rescue drill, fun swim around upper cavern, smb deploy. lost control when air in bc at 5 ft went into bottom of BC and I surfaced feet first. much better buoyancy (especially @ beginning)! lowered tanks on back and less weight. - Fresh - Shore