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Dive Log > Alzer > Divers Cove
Sun, June 23, 2013
Dives: 1
Bottom Time: 30 minutes
Max Depth: Under 5ft/2m
Avg Viz: 5-10ft/2-3m
Water Temp: 61-65°F/16-18°C
Weight: 0
Exposure Suit: Fullsuit - 3 (Gloves, Boots)
Tank Type: AL - 80cf/11L
Gas Type: Air
Laguna, CA
Water Type: Salt
Entry Type: Shore
Viz wasn’t that great today, but entering in a bit rougher surf that what my son Nick was used to. It was a snorkeling trip and even though Viz was rough it was an excellent time to work on surf entry and exit. He did well and i’m proud of him. Once we got out and felt a bit of the surge, we held hands so that I could keep him close. Ok, so that hand holding was more for my peace of mind than his. We did get to see kelp, no fish. He was a little bummed by that, but I told him that not every snorkeling trip or diving trip was going to be the best. Good memories though.