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Dive Log > nolegirl > Deep Eel Garden, aka Deep Moray
Tue, August 6, 2013
Dives: 1
Bottom Time: 50 minutes
Max Depth: 61-70ft/19-21m
Avg Viz: 91-100ft/28-30m
Water Temp: 81-85°F/27-29°C
Weight: 12
Exposure Suit: None (Boots)
Tank Type: AL - 80cf/11L
Gas Type: Air
Dive Type: Wreck, Boat
Dive Buddy: Jacob (Drault)   
Deep Eel Garden, aka Deep Moray
Roatan, Honduras
Water Type: Salt
Entry Type: Boat
This dive was even more amazing than the Green Outhouse dive site in Roatan. The name didn’t disappoint - I was able to find a moray eel at around 45 - 50 ft down. The fish in this area were huge; as soon as we got in the water we were surrounded by fish a foot long. Great dive, glad Anthony’s Key Resort brought us out to this location.