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Dive Log > LiveBait > Dive Site Unknown
Sun, November 16, 2014
Dives: 2
Bottom Time: 41 minutes
Max Depth: 16-20ft/5-6m
Avg Viz: 5-10ft/2-3m
Water Temp: 56-60°F/13-16°C
Weight: 9
Exposure Suit: Fullsuit - 7 (Hood, Gloves, Boots)
Tank Type: AL - 80cf/11L
Gas Type: Air
Dive Type: Training
Dive Buddy:   Jeremy Rusher
Other Dive Site: Clear Springs Scuba Park
Dive site has not been selected.
Had a new BCD (ScubaPro Seahawk) this day. It felt colder this day at the surface. The wind was killer so in between dives was brutal.