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Dive Log > KonaDude > Miloli’I Bay
Sun, February 7, 2010
Dives: 1
Bottom Time: 42 minutes
Max Depth: 41-50ft/12-15m
Avg Viz: 81-90ft/25-27m
Water Temp: 76-80°F/24-27°C
Weight: 12
Exposure Suit: None (Gloves)
Tank Type: AL - 80cf/11L
Gas Type: Air
Dive Buddy:   Teacher Dude
Miloli’I Bay
Big Island, HI
Water Type: Fresh
Entry Type: Other
Met a guy building a home in Milolii. Find out he is a diver. Go to his house to fill tanks up the hill, and shows me the easy way in. Nice guy.