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North Rocks - Philippines

North Rocks is a boat accessible salt water dive site, located in Malapascua, Visayas, Philippines. This dive site has an average rating of 4.00 out of 5 from 2 scuba divers. The maximum depth is 21-25ft/6-8m. The average visibility is 41-50ft/12-15m.

Nice coastal reef on the northern point of the island. Fairly intact, considering dynamite damage on other reefs in this region. Marine lifa abundant.

North Rock is located around 20 minutes boat ride from Bounty Beach and is very close to its sister dive site, North Point. The boats moor near the top of an underwater bank which rises up to around the 12 metre mark. As you descend to the deeper part of North Rock the wall drops down vertically from around 14 metres to 24 metres where there is a flattish sandy seabed. Following this small wall for the first part of your dive you’ll see tube worms, anemones and twin-band clownfish. There are small crevices in the reef wall which house glassfish and cardinal fish. The sand plateau is a perfect spot for sand rays. Cruising back up over the wall and into the shallows there are coral heads and colourful soft corals. The current can be strong here so a separate boat drop off and pick up might be a good idea, plus the use of an SMB.

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