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St. Mary’s River - St. Marys GA

St. Mary’s River is a boat accessible salt water dive site, located in St. Marys, GA. This dive site has an average rating of 4.00 out of 5 from 1 scuba divers. The maximum depth is 26-30ft/8-9m. The average visibility is under 5ft/2m.

This is a blackwater dive (i.e. very low vis) but this is a treasure hunt dive for Megladon (a “Super” Great White) fossil teeth. Among the best hunting grounds for these and other fossils are the dark waters of the St. Marys River. These fossils can be worth some good money but just the excitement of finding these can be all the reward you need. Bring your lights, a mesh bag and spirit of adventure.

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Fredst - 10/12/2013 1:10 AM
Thanks for the info. I need to do some research. Happy Diving. I’m up at Morehead City N.C this weekend. Vis pretty bad yesterday. We dove the German sub U 232. Wish we had better sea conditions, it was a little rough.
teknogopro - 10/11/2013 4:56 PM
we live on this river and kayak it. probably best to do this diving in winter the dive shop in kingsland ga "divers den" runs charters. bells river next to st mary’s river is best I think but not a expert on this. i’ve seen the dive shop’s party barge (pontoon boat) hooked up with divers down near reids and roses bluff area. do know current can be a bitch there.
Fredst - 7/28/2013 8:41 AM
I’d love to dive the St Mary’s River. I understand there are fossils to be found there. Anybody have any info on this river or can recommend a dive charter.
LatitudeAdjustment - 6/19/2013 6:27 AM
Back when we were using TLC Charters we were told divers were working a 1700’s wreck in the river but never got any hints as to where exactly.
Backwoods - 5/16/2012 5:27 AM
I am about an hour and a half away from Folkston and have big and little boats if anyone is intrested and knows where to go. Been up and down the river just never dove it.
JimKoz - 5/07/2012 11:13 AM
Rating Added: 4
Fossil Hunting Tip: It’s dark down at the bottom. Use the current to guide your direction and swim againts the current to push the silt behind you. Look for dark shapes by brushing away sand and gaps that look like objects could get trapped in.