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House light - Panama

House light is a salt water dive site, located at Isla Secas, Gulf of Chiriqui, Chiriquí 000000, Panama. This dive site provides bathrooms and airfills.

House Light is located on the backside of the Isla secas archipelago, this dive spot is for all the levels but if you want to stay at the deeper area, be careful, with the tide changes some times a hard current push you out.
the dive starts on a pretty shallow reef close to the shore mixed with rocks home of a lot of morays, pufferfish, boxfish, starfish, and many others reef fishes. as long you dive far from the shore, we found more rocks and fewer corals, we can see schools of yellow snappers, golden jacks, and big eye jacks. the depth increases and a big and flat rock appear is full of life but that is the end, from here in advance we just see only sand and a few stingrays hidden on the sandy bottom.

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