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Bonaire - Bonaire

Bonaire is a shore accessible salt water dive site, located in Bonaire, Bonaire. This dive site has an average rating of 4.70 out of 5 from 50 scuba divers. The maximum depth is 16-20ft/5-6m. The average visibility is 41-50ft/12-15m. This dive site provides bathrooms and airfills.

Wasn’t dive certified yet... but did go snorkeling here at Klein Island. Can’t wait to get back to that beautiful island!

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DivingViking - 4 days ago.
Rating Added: 5
I have been diving on Bonaire since 1972. Was certified there by Captain Don Stewart and Bruce Bowker.
sabrina - 4/25/2020 9:36 AM
Rating Added: 4
Awesome diving. Did my first travel open water dives there! I loved the boat diving. Not really up for the shore diving.
laurenperez16 - 8/01/2018 3:11 PM
Rating Added: 4
Beautiful dive sites and night diving!
bsharp117 - 11/10/2017 5:30 PM
Rating Added: 5
was here in the 80’s was great then, haven’t been back
ram04769 - 11/10/2017 6:33 PM
A buddy of mine just got back from there. He usually goes down there about twice a year and spends 5-6 weeks each time. Hoping to go down one of these years soon.
kro650 - 3/25/2017 5:47 AM
I went scuba diving here on 3/6/2017. Average viz: 91-100ft/28-30m. Water temp: 76-80°F/24-27°C.
This was a 2 tank excursion booked while on the Panama Canal cruise. Buddies Dive boat picked us up at the ship and took us to a reef just off their dive shop (Buddies reef). After doing a weight check we descended to about 70’. The water was clear with 100’ visibility. Our 2nd dive was off a small island (Bon Adventure). The reefs were beautiful with lots of fish. My dive buddy was Radu, Carnival’s Senior Photographer. Both dives were a lot of fun and they did not rush us. I would dive with Buddy Dive if I go back to Bonaire.
BruceWestEndRoatan - 1/04/2017 1:34 PM
Rating Added: 5
Great vis, hotels, food, and beach
Divin_Diva - 11/28/2016 4:19 PM
I went scuba diving here on 6/5/2015.
Site: Tolo, Seranade Beach, named for the sound of the pebbles underwater
Divin_Diva - 11/28/2016 4:13 PM
I went scuba diving here on 6/5/2014.
Not sure what the dive site is called, right in front of a shop, jump off the pier for entry! Orange frog fish, big spotted eel, porcupine puffers
Divin_Diva - 11/28/2016 4:08 PM
I went scuba diving here on 6/4/2014.
Klein island boat dive, site: Karel’s Hill
Divin_Diva - 11/28/2016 3:57 PM
I went scuba diving here on 6/2/2015.
Boat dive, site: Barcadera. Boat: Dive Frenzy
Divin_Diva - 11/28/2016 3:52 PM
I went scuba diving here on 6/2/2015.
Boat dive. Huge free swimming Green Moray, 10 foot long! Amazing site to see!
Agojo - 8/01/2015 3:02 PM
Rating Added: 4
Good but just found that Frederiksted Pier in St,. Croix is even better.
jniery - 8/01/2015 12:15 PM
Rating Added: 4
So far my favorite location. Great visibility, lots of coral. Plenty of fish.
artpenny - 7/03/2014 5:07 PM
Average year round air temperature is 81.5 degrees Fahrenheit, with about +/- 2.5 variance. The sun is very powerful and it is easy to get a sunburn.
FelipeSurerus - 7/03/2014 9:21 AM
Rating Added: 5
Perfect for lots of diving! Hot as hell!
oceanbluejen - 6/23/2014 9:07 PM
Rating Added: 5
Great place! Lots of dive sites all around the island accessible by shore or boat.
Korps - 6/20/2014 6:14 AM
I went scuba diving here on 8/18/2013. Average viz: 71-80ft/22-24m. Water temp: 76-80°F/24-27°C.
Korps - 6/20/2014 6:12 AM
I went scuba diving here on 8/17/2013. Average viz: 71-80ft/22-24m. Water temp: 81-85°F/27-29°C.
Korps - 6/20/2014 6:08 AM
Rating Added: 5
artpenny - 6/08/2014 6:27 PM
Rating Added: 5
Stayed one week at the Divi Flamingo Resort June 2014. Leave the room to a buffet breakfast every morning, down to the dive lockers and onto the boat. Reef paradise with abundant marine life. 60-85 ft vis, 80 degree water temp-18 boat dives later and I’m hooked. I’ll Be Back!