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Blue Corner, Palau is a boat accessible salt water dive site, located in Palau. This dive site has an average rating of 5.00 out of 5 from 3 scuba divers. The maximum depth is over 150ft/46m. The average visibility is 101-110ft/31-34m.

This spot is what screensavers are made of; and in reality a swim here does actually feel like you’re in a computer game. Reef sharks will hover above you as schools of bigeye jacks work their way through the strong current. Below you’ll find a sizable colony of soft coral and gorgonian sea whips growing in a canyon there’s a good chance you’ll see spotted eagle rays, huge tuna, snapper, wrasse and bass and even hawks bill and green turtles too. The electric blue red-toothed triggerfish can reach up to half a meter in size in this spot, while the pyramid butterfly fish, with their yellow outer bodies and white bellies, gather in their hundreds.

Great reef dive in Palau; Use reef hooks to hook into the reef and watch as large pelagics such as grey reef sharks, white-tip sharks, tuna, and other large fish and reef fish patrol the area. There is a friendly napoleon wrasse that circles the area is comfortable with divers. Great dive.

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Underwaterjohn - 1/04/2015 7:52 PM
Rating Added: 5
Swim from Blue Holes to Blue a Corner. Then hook in and watch the Sharks swim by. Huge Napoleon Wrasse, Turtles, White a Tips and tones of fish everywhere. Be prepared to share this site with many, many divers.
Brian_V - 9/04/2013 3:55 PM
Rating Added: 5
My ALL-TIME favorite dive spot on the planet! I could stay hooked in on my reef hook for HOURS here! So many sharks that you can’t possibly count them, Grey Reef Sharks & White tip reef sharks cruising back and forth in the current! Aba the Napoleon Wrasse hanging out with you, thousands of Redtooth Triggerfish all around you! I love this dive site!
pera68 - 12/11/2012 7:42 PM
Rating Added: 5
One of the best places i ever been, just in one dive between 30 to 40 sharks, grey reef sharks and white tip sharks, napoleon grasses, turtle, hundreds of fish, simply amazing, i dived it 5 times and always different, something to see, the best wall dive ever