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Vortex Springs - Surface time
Vortex Springs - Hanging Out in the Vortex
Vortex Springs - Fishes on the Rocks
Vortex Springs - Fresh water eel
Vortex Springs - Vortex
Vortex Springs - VS3
Vortex Springs - VS2
Vortex Springs - VS1
Vortex Springs - Vortex springs
Vortex Springs - Laying out gear.
Vortex Springs - Vortex Springs
Vortex Springs - Votex Springs 2
Vortex Springs - Vortex Springs
Vortex Springs - Eel at Vortex
Vortex Springs - Eel at Vortex
Vortex Springs - The spring and river
Vortex Springs - Doc’s House
Vortex Springs - Cavern Entrance
Vortex Springs - Vortex
Vortex Springs - Dive buddies are everywhere!
Vortex Springs - Vortex Springs
Vortex Springs - Vortex Springs
Vortex Springs - Votex Springs
Vortex Springs - Votex Springs