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Seca Punta Nera di Osala - Barracudas
Seca Punta Nera di Osala - Flabellina Affinis Nudibranch
Biankas Garden - Flabellina Affinis Nudibranch
Biankas Garden - Biankas Garden, always a star ...
Biankas Garden - gorgonia sea fan, Sponges and, and , and
Secca Del Papa - gorgonia sea fan
Secca Del Papa - red and yellow goronia sea fan
Nasello - The Nasello Wreck
Nasello - a panoramic of the Nasello
Nasello - inside
Grotta delle Ostriche (Oyster Cave) aka BELTORRENT - simply beautiful
Grotta delle Ostriche (Oyster Cave) aka BELTORRENT - plenty of space to surface
Grotta delle Ostriche (Oyster Cave) aka BELTORRENT - e dream in blue
KT12 Wreck "The Bow" - Underwater with divers at "The Bow"
KT12 Wreck "The Bow" - not very big, but very beautiful
KT12 Wreck "The Bow" - The bow of the bow
KT12 Wreck - The stern of the KT12 wreck
KT12 Wreck - it’s a big wreck ...
KT12 Wreck - The cannon of the KT12 Wreck