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Spiegel Grove Dive Expeditions-Aqua Sports, Inc
AquaSportsInc - 10/02/2007 5:23 PM
Category: Travel
Replies: 0

DIVE THE U.S.S. SPIEGEL GROVE SHIPWRECK Most divers consider the Spiegel Grove to be the premier shipwreck to dive in all the United States, because of the pristine condition of the vessel, tropical location (Key Largo, FL), warm water and outstanding visibility. Find out why Sport Diver Magazine has called Aqua Sports, Inc. "One of thefinest dive training operations in the United States," and experience why Sport Diver Magazine chose Aqua Sports, Inc. to train their staff in Shipwreck Specialty!Our professional shipwreck specialty instructor will act as your personal tour guide, and our award-winning, published, underwater photographer will create a complete photo album of your adventure.Tanks, weights, professional instruction, snacks, beverages, towels, underwater photo album and shipwreck medallion included Cost: 2 tanks: $ 209.00 4 tanks: $399.00 Jillian Morris JillianMorris [ at ] 954-200-2899 888-223-6568