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The second anniversary of the Vandenberg’s
SEAduction-Dive-Services - 4/09/2011 7:52 PM
Category: Travel
Replies: 0

May 27th is the second anniversary of the Vandenberg’s sinking and as one of the key players in sinking the wreck Mike plans to dive her on that Friday if at all possible. For those of you that do not know, Mike worked on the Vandy project for about 10 years and planned both the technical clearance dives for the interior of the wreck and the explosive ordinance recovery dives prior to the sinking. Mike also led both teams on the sink date and was in the first 3 man team to ever dive this wreck. So he has a great working knowledge of the wreck and some great stories to tell about the wreck and her sinking for those inclined toward an after dive drink at the poolside or on Duval Street.

All accommodations, except meals and transportation plus the diving for $999.00 in KEY WEST FLORIDA. You’ll need your own equipment, and air fills are extra. And you can enroll in some courses with none other the that scubadog Mike Ange if you want to buy in.
Here are the details:
Dates: 22 through 27 May 2011

5 nights of accommodations at The Fairfield Inn
5 Days of boat diving on the wrecks around Key West
Note primary focus of this trip is to qualify wreck penetration divers but we have opened to other divers due to the demand. So we will be diving wrecks every day and the USNS Vandenberg will be a frequent stop during the week.