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Light Monkey 5.7-21W HID Primary Light
Dooga - 7/13/2011 7:32 PM
Category: For Sale
Replies: 3

I purchased this light on 30 June 2010 and have used it on 55 dives. It has been extremely well cared for and has never been flooded. It does show some minor scratches from normal use, but has never been abused. I have always transported it in a Pelican 1400 case, which I am including in the purchase price. These still sell for $1180 new at most retailers, and I am selling this for $800, which will include ground shipping in the US. I am simply moving to an LED light. Please contact me to make arrangements for payment.

5.7 - 21 HID

5.7aH Li-Po Battery: 150 minute burn time
1500 Lumen Output @ 6500 Kelvin
9" (22.7cm) Length, 3" (7.5mm) Diameter
Dry weight 5 lb. (2.3kg), 2 lb. (.9kg) negative in-water
5 hour recharge from complete discharge
5.13 g ELC

Hannahevan - 7/16/2011 2:51 PM
Have you ever farted while using this light?
Dooga - 7/18/2011 8:53 PM
I did one time, but I was in my drysuit and hadn’t factored that into my weight calculations. It was nearly a catastrophic incident, but the light was not damaged in any way.

Now $750.00. Contact me for payment options.
Dooga - 7/28/2011 4:43 PM