[Choose #5] All humans. Their all different so you never know what your getting.
[Choose #1] with the sea snake coming in second...i dont like snakes on land or in the water.
[Choose #5] Depending on the situation, depth, bottom, & air quantity. I am more concerned with man made problems, gear failure, incompitant divers, boats,etc.
[Choose #4] Around me it would be Gators or Sharks
[Choose #2] Snakes just creep me out
Plang - 9/07/2010 6:01 AM
[Choose #5] A dumb ass diver should be the most feared.
[Choose #1] really any but ill stick with the croc
[Choose #1] I think I’d have to go with the croc. A lot less predictable than the others. I’d LOVE to dive with a tiger shark!!
[Choose #5] All of the above
Minky - 8/16/2010 9:36 PM
[Choose #3] Just dove with tigers, they’re awesome
[Choose #1] THE CROC!! Only because I have seen a few videos of crocs and human "incidents" and not of the others (R.I.P. Steve Irwin). I would probably feel the same about the shark I guess knowing that I can avoid the Box Jelly and the Sea Snake easier??
[Choose #2] Only one I haven’t seen in the water
[Choose #5] I would have to say both the Croc and Tiger Shark
[Choose #5] I don’t worry about things that MIGHT happen, drunk drivers kill more every year than all the above, but I still drive my car every day.
[Choose #5] people, nothing kills more humans
[Choose #5] MBug morey eel heads in ship wrecks 10 cmm from your face
[Choose #5] Other Divers not respecting the wildlife.
[Choose #5] In my local diving, Lake Erie Watersnakes would be more of a nuisance than a threat.
[Choose #5] Iracongi jellyfish, tiny jellyfish with very powerfull sting, and because of their side near impossible to see until it’s too late
[Choose #2] The snake leaves you the least chances for survival
[Choose #5] all but would love to see the shark
Alton - 7/25/2010 10:48 AM
[Choose #4] Don’t panic more people die from bee stings than any of these
[Choose #2] actually moray eels
[Choose #2] im always scared of snakes.
[Choose #5] Humans are the scariest things under water, they ruin everything they touch.
[Choose #5] a new diver.......just joking
[Choose #5] unsafe or wreckless divers
[Choose #1] Crocks are scary
[Choose #1] I got into diving so that i can shark dive... most of these are some joys of the underwater experience... all but that croc!!!!
[Choose #1] I think a Tiger at mid water might leave a mess as well!
[Choose #2] the sea snake is way to agile and can get on you from too
scott - 7/20/2010 3:02 PM
[Choose #5] divers that think they know it all. Tigers are bad too
[Choose #3] jelly hard to see...sharks ive never had a prob with the were all blues or reefs never a tiger though....lucky me
[Choose #4] Shouldn’t ther be an option for "All of the Above"? I’m doing a shark dive in 2 months to face the fear head on!
[Choose #5] Other humans scare me more than the choices given. However, taking from those choices, I’d have to say the Box Jelly
[Choose #5] all of the above
[Choose #5] These do not scare me near as much as my sister in law
[Choose #1] Croc or Shark....maybe sea snake too goes to look them up to see if they are poisonous
[Choose #1] Been around all but croc no problemo. Did have a titan triggerfish bite/knock me out in Indonesia - nasty fish!
[Choose #5] Don’t provoke and you won’t have to worry.
[Choose #5] Killer Squid!
[Choose #3] Maybe the Jellyfish ha ha
[Choose #1] and this is why I prefer diving in the North Atlantic
[Choose #1] I hear them salties (crocs) be eatin’ people... tiger sharks are AWESOME.
[Choose #1] Croc for sure! Also not fond of any snake, let alone a sea snake
[Choose #5] Yeah, on my 100th dive - bring ’em on, all of ’em! No underwear, no problem.
[Choose #2] I hate snakes!
[Choose #5] other divers who lack awareness.
[Choose #5] Trigger Fish when protecting their nest
[Choose #1] If you don’t pick saltwater crocodile, you don’t know much about saltwater crocodiles.
[Choose #2] what underwear
Bruno - 7/18/2010 4:15 PM
[Choose #1] I dove with sea sneaks in Philippines. It’s the nicest snake you will ever meet.
[Choose #1] Could swim away from a jellyfish, not scared of the other 2, but the alligator is fast
[Choose #3] the others you can see coming and hopefully avoid- the box is a little invisible out of the corner of the eye.
[Choose #5] What about an unsafe buddy? The above scare me equally
[Choose #4] Agressive sharks would do it for me. A gator would more than likely do it too though.
[Choose #5] The scariest creature in the ocean is man.....! All others are somewhat predictable, where as man is not...
[Choose #1] I did not even know there was such a thing as the Saltwater Crocodile until I found this list.
[Choose #1] All could kill you but the croc looks the meanest
[Choose #5] ex wife in scuba gear !!!
[Choose #1] Sea snakes won’t bother you, most box jellies can be avoided, and tiger sharks don’t want to eat us. The saltwater crocks, however, are sometyhing to stay clear of.
[Choose #1] Saltwater Croc for me...that would be crazy!