[Choose #1] ...after teaching tables for so many years, this would be a no-brainer!
[Choose #1] Tables have been the cheapest CPU to use yet(all my wife will let me have)
[Choose #1] Until just recently I didn’t even own a dive computer, don’t like trusting my life to anything with an electronic circuit that gets near salt water. That being said I LOVE my computer, but still keep track the old fashioned way just in case.
[Choose #1] No problem, started diving using Navy tables, I didn’t have a computer.
[Choose #1] Once I learned it, I find it easy to remember and often help students on charters on the ride out.
[Choose #1] not recomended
[Choose #1] I would probably use ratio deco, for NDL
Greg - 8/07/2011 12:08 AM
[Choose #1] I know them by heart almost.
[Choose #1] every diver should use the tables in addition to the computer.
[Choose #1] no-one should rely that heavily on computers that they ca not do the basic stuff like your tables
[Choose #1] Always use the tables. Computer makes a nice backup if my tables have a dead battery 8-)
[Choose #1] all divers should be able to do this.
[Choose #1] this is a test my dive group takes every year, just to keep fresh
[Choose #1] I would be able to use the tables if there was a need. But with 80 cu. ft. of air and wait one hour for the 2nd. dive to dive another 80 cu. ft. air. I wouldn’t see the need refer to the tables. Y
[Choose #2] I havent used them in a long time, but then again if i am on a boat hopefully someone else could walk me through the refresher
[Choose #1] NP but would need to put the SPG from my save a dive kit on my reg. Oh I have extra batteries in that kit so that ends the problem
[Choose #4] Another reason I use TWO computers, GEO 2 wrist and Atomic Cobalt