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dive tables
divershaun - 6/23/2011 8:46 PM
Category: Survey
Replies: 73

you are out on a dive boat, just about to get in the water. all of a sudden you realize that you are an idiot and didnt swap the batteries in your dive computer so its dead. would you be able to use the dive tables and track you dives? RNT time, bottom time, surface interval... remember any of that from your open water class?
Brian_V - 10/17/2013 4:53 PM
[Choose #1] ...after teaching tables for so many years, this would be a no-brainer!
rflesher - 10/24/2012 7:37 PM
[Choose #1] Tables have been the cheapest CPU to use yet(all my wife will let me have)
rockwalldiver - 7/10/2012 10:01 AM
[Choose #1] Until just recently I didn’t even own a dive computer, don’t like trusting my life to anything with an electronic circuit that gets near salt water. That being said I LOVE my computer, but still keep track the old fashioned way just in case.
JMartin - 12/30/2011 9:55 PM
[Choose #1] No problem, started diving using Navy tables, I didn’t have a computer.
Zoltrac - 8/27/2011 12:15 AM
[Choose #1] Once I learned it, I find it easy to remember and often help students on charters on the ride out.
Thunderdiver - 8/17/2011 4:11 PM
[Choose #1] not recomended
Waterskier1 - 8/10/2011 6:59 PM
[Choose #1] I would probably use ratio deco, for NDL
Greg - 8/07/2011 12:08 AM
[Choose #1] I know them by heart almost.
divemedic035 - 8/03/2011 7:00 PM
[Choose #1] every diver should use the tables in addition to the computer.
Jase - 7/28/2011 3:37 AM
[Choose #1] no-one should rely that heavily on computers that they ca not do the basic stuff like your tables
MDW - 7/18/2011 9:50 PM
[Choose #1] Always use the tables. Computer makes a nice backup if my tables have a dead battery 8-)
Muzz09 - 7/12/2011 6:12 PM
[Choose #1] all divers should be able to do this.
Granitehawk - 6/28/2011 7:35 PM
[Choose #1] this is a test my dive group takes every year, just to keep fresh
DiveBuddyChgo - 6/24/2011 9:31 PM
[Choose #1] I would be able to use the tables if there was a need. But with 80 cu. ft. of air and wait one hour for the 2nd. dive to dive another 80 cu. ft. air. I wouldn’t see the need refer to the tables. Y
SaintsReturn - 6/24/2011 11:40 AM
[Choose #2] I havent used them in a long time, but then again if i am on a boat hopefully someone else could walk me through the refresher
RAWalker - 6/24/2011 1:35 AM
[Choose #1] NP but would need to put the SPG from my save a dive kit on my reg. Oh I have extra batteries in that kit so that ends the problem
JoePagano - 6/23/2011 10:05 PM
[Choose #4] Another reason I use TWO computers, GEO 2 wrist and Atomic Cobalt