SOMEBODY`S gonna get insulted.......................
And by that you mean???? A) Me for my stupidity? b) People from the worst states on the list? or C) The people in Alaska and Hawaii?
I`ll take a stab at this one. Remember, this is my opinion only, and of course I am biased! For me, Florida has got to be the best for diving. I can dive year round in a 3mm wet suit and in most any environment. We have the freshwater springs throughout North Central Florida (where I live) and they maintain a constant 72 degrees all year long. I dove at the end of January in Jupiter, Florida in the Atlantic last year and the temp was 73 degrees. That dive was great. A little further south where the Gulf Stream hugs the Florida coastline and you`ll be in water that you swear is in the Bahamas. Then, to top it off, we have several wreck sites in all depths including the most recent sinking of the Oriskany.
The opinions expressed here are just that. Besides, I haven`t gotten to dive in another state yet!
I`m the exact opposite in my biasy, I live in Kansas and it has to be one of the worst states for diving.
Long Island is the best (cause that`s where I rep), and New Jersey is number 2 (even though it`s all the same water really). The Long Island platform goes out about a hundred miles and most of it is within reach of the experienced and qualified. Which means there are a lot wrecks of a lot different types, in a large area. We have a lot of diversity of sea life, temperatures, and sometimes even the visibility changes. It`s no coincidence that the best wreck divers come from the Long Island and New Jersey.
Michigan is the best because it is the closest to me and has some awesome wreck dives in the Great Lakes! Hawaii is the worst because it is the farthest away and too hard to get to for me! :) So chew on that one Larry!!!!
unfortunately for me almost everything good is too far away.
Best-Florida Worst-Louisiana. Nothing here, not even lakes.
Aren`t Louisiana oil rigs supposed to be really good?
Hey Don! Yeah Hawaii is only 6 hours by plane, 5 months if I swim to it. (yawn).
Chris, I meant that there is probably SOME diver in SOME State that is going to get picked on. THAT poor diver is wishing they were somewhere other than the lousiest State for diving. (Poor Bastard). Not you Chris, the diver. "Hey Joe Blow, so how`s diving in the Salt Flats?! Hahaha.
I`ll probably catch a BUNCH of crap for this (so why am I saying it?), but I`d venture to guess Oregon sux. Every time I talk to one of them, they`re coming over to my neighborhood to dive (in Washington, the OTHER Washington, the State, you know, Starbucks, the Seahawks, Mount Saint Helens Volcano, Ted Bundy, Bill Gates). Granted they have a few Lakes, but they can`t dive the coast (for the most part).
Alright remember I`m fairly new at this but right now I gotta say that Maryland is fair to middlin... Many of the lakes you can not dive (DNR restricted), very few quarrys and if you don`t own a boat it`s a long swim along the shelve to find good vis... I have to say at this point OBX N.C. is the best..
Best diving, Florida. Worst,mmmm,haven`t found it yet...better keep diving and trying,,,