CNN Covers Diveheart!
Tom4Diveheart - 8/31/2011 6:08 PM
Category: Ads & Offers
Replies: 3

Dear Friends of Diveheart,
Here is the CNN piece that ran last week about Diveheart....just in case you missed it....please pass it on...
Thanks for your continued friendship and support.
Jim Elliott
Diveheart & Diveheart Military Wounded (DMW)
President & Founder 
The Angelfish Foundation
cell 630-408-1920
Greg - 8/31/2011 7:24 PM
Good coverage.
lerpy - 8/31/2011 8:50 PM
I had never heard of this organization until seeing this forum and took a look at the clip and the site. I must say amazing and moving, it is great to know there are folks out there in the world that are willing to give great opportunities to people that might not otherwise have them.
Tom4Diveheart - 8/31/2011 9:11 PM
Like many divers I was truly amazed at the experience of my first open water dives and even more so later when immersed in the warm clear waters of the Caribbean. Until I heard about Diveheart I never considered how therapeutic the experience of diving could be for those with disabilities. Most of us don’t think about the pull of gravity, but there are folks who spend each day in battle with this force of nature. I have seen first hand the joy of those experiencing the freedom of the water column for the first time. I encourage all divers to consider being trained as buddies for divers with disabilities. It is not only a way to help others, it is a way to improve ones skills and experience the art and science of diving in a totally new way. Diveheart offers training at its world headquarters in Downers Grove, Illinois, and also sponsors programs around the U.S. and the world. Log in to www.diveheart.org to learn more.