Need Tampa/Clearwater Demographics
NWKatShark - 4/27/2012 12:12 PM
Category: Travel
Replies: 3

Hi Gang!

I’m anticipating moving from Seattle to the Tampa/Clearwater area for a permanant job and need "real world" info on areas where to rent, and where NOT to rent. Obviously want to stay away from crime/drug/seedy areas. I’m hoping to pay between $500-$800 for a home rental, don’t care for apartments. Web ads I seen "look good", but everything looks pretty on paper.

Even general area, or neighborhood info would help filter choices.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

Can’t WAIT to sell my drysuit and 30 pound weight belt (50 degree water here!!!!!!!)

You can e-mail me at lvirdell@yahoo.com.

Thanks, Larry.
LatitudeAdjustment - 4/27/2012 4:51 PM
Larry, Florida divers wear drysuits during the winter when water temps drop below 70, I kid you not!
NWKatShark - 4/27/2012 7:33 PM
Thanks Ray. Been there diving before, sweating in a 3/2 wet. Still felt like bath water compared to the Pac Northwest!

I’m sure, after awhile and I’ve "acclimated" myself, I’ll be back to dry. Like to............seize the moment while I can.
SaintsReturn - 4/30/2012 4:59 AM
A lot of this will be based on the area you want to live. I was born and raised in South St. Pete but moved to Seminole in High school. I will be moving back in a couple of years and am looking into area in clearwater, Palm Harbor, Seminole, and very specific areas in St. Pete. What are you willing to spend time wise on a commute, where are you looking to be local to, etc. I got certified and will be returning to Tackle Shack for my LDS. Stay away from Bill Jacksons unless you hate your money. Wetsuits are nice for the winter months, summer months are shorts and a skin shirt.