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Dive buddy in seacoast NH?
SeacoastNH - 6/02/2006 11:24 AM
Category: General
Replies: 1

Looking for any divers in seacoast area of NH. I`m 8 months into diving and can`t get enough!! Most any time is good for my..very flexable schedule. Brian
NEdiver - 5/22/2007 3:00 PM
Brian, check out Atlantic Aquasports in Rye. They do a shore dive every Saturday morning, and most Thursday evenings starting Memorial weekend. After the dive they have a free cook-out and have tanks to rinse your gear. It`s a great opportunity to meet other divers, visit new sites, and have some fun. They will also hook you up with a buddy if you need one. I head over there a couple times a month as gas money permits. Mark