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Diving in Palau, need info
kc_moses76 - 11/19/2012 9:44 AM
Category: Travel
Replies: 4

Hi all,

I’m looking to dive in Palau around early May or early June of 2013. Can someone recommend a dive charter to use? I’m returning to Malaysia to visit family so I’m not looking for travel agent from US that bring divers all the way to Asia, just need local dive operator in Palau that I can hire and plan from there.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
Greg - 11/19/2012 9:56 AM
You can use the Search box in the top right to find past forum topics, photos, articles, etc. about Palau:
kc_moses76 - 11/19/2012 10:25 AM
Thanks Greg, I did a quick search before post, the search result came back with mostly photos, except a few for Aggressor liveaboard which is not in my price range now.

Anyway, saw on about Neco Marine, and I found Sam’s Tour through Google. Just wondering if any one from Divebuddy has certain preference and experience with particular dive operator so I would know what to expect.
JuanDvr - 12/15/2012 6:37 AM
SAMS Tours is the only way to go. Also - if you dive with them - don’t forget to dive the wall in front of sams, it’s only 15’, but has the most amazing critters there.
kc_moses76 - 12/15/2012 8:23 AM
Thanks, I checked out Sams Tour website and their price is very reasonable, and a lot of people in Youtube are using them, so I’m it’s a reputable dive shop to use. I will start to get the planning going once all the holiday bills are clear!