[Choose #2] Kiss Classic/Sport
[Choose #2] I have been a Hollis Prism2 diver since 10/2012
Btrax - 6/18/2015 2:37 PM
[Choose #2] Still dive oc but recently certified on the Hollis explorer
[Choose #3] Still OC, but on the path - maybe in two years.
[Choose #2] Teach both the Poseidon MKVI and Prism II
[Choose #2] Meg CCR when i’m doing tekies abroad ,but i’m mainly on OC
JTan - 12/18/2012 12:40 PM
[Choose #3] What is a rebreather diver?
[Choose #2] Okay, not really. Did my first RB dive last week on the Spiegel with an AP Evolution. Absolute greatness.