[Choose #1] ...just signed the petition.
[Choose #1] moneymike0311 go to Californiashipstoreefs.org for vast both sides of the story info on the bill. Shipstoreefsinternational.org also, contact those with questions, thank you!
[Choose #1] I hope it does become a reef..... somewhere in Northern California..
[Choose #1] Why don’t you use the actual White House petition system? https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petitions
[Choose #1] Where can we read more about the bill and reasons it is being pushed vs. reasons we should go against it?
[Choose #1] Just signed the petition.
LBBuz - 2/27/2013 11:34 AM
[Choose #1] We need to keep pressure on so all that effort isn’t wasted. I told the NRDC, with whom I often agree, that they got this terribly wrong.
[Choose #1] I signed the petition. It would be nice to also see programs that convert used suitable rigs to ocean platforms for tourism, research and exploration.