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Florida Trip
debay(Dee-Bay) - 2/02/2008 11:00 PM
Category: Travel
Replies: 8

I am looking to schedule a "Penny Pincher`s" trip to Florida to do some diving. Me and a buddy want to try and follow two guidelines. 1) keep it cheap by camping 2) my buddy doesnt do boats very well, so we want to keep it at shore dives. Does anyone know where in Florida they have good shore diving? Our plan revolves around the location so we want to pick a good one.
Scout - 2/03/2008 7:35 AM
Sure looks like your destination is John Pennecamp State Park. You can get all the info you need at their website.
rustymich - 2/03/2008 8:38 PM
Try ginnie springs go to blue grotto there are lots diving those areas then go to crystal river north to vortex springs theres a few ideas were on that run as I type this ginnie camping is nice and clean large rest areas....
OcalaJim - 2/07/2008 2:37 PM
If you dive any of the springs in the state parks, entry is generally only $10.00 for the day. If you stay at Ginnie or Manatee, there are several other springs around them such as Troy, Devil`s Den, Blue Grotto.
debay(Dee-Bay) - 2/07/2008 3:39 PM
do you have to be cavern certified to enjoy the springs? I know a lot of them go down into the springs and at least have overhead environments. Plus, I really want to see some coral life and colors.
ScottPadipro - 2/10/2008 7:00 PM
There is little or no shore diving in the Keys, there aren`t even any public beaches. The reef is quite a ways off shore so unless you can swim 5 to 6 miles you`re not going to find much to dive. On the other hand there is quite a a bit of shore diving anywhere between Palm Beach and Miami with the reef being only a few hundred yards off shore but then again you don`t camp down here, it`s a hotel or your car. I think the best suggestion is to dive the springs like others have said.
TerryMVillanova - 2/12/2008 12:46 PM
Dan, I`m wondering how your search is going for shore diving in florida. Did you look at Pennekamp Park- I think that they have camping and diving right there. I dove Islamorada last year with my kids but don`t know what shore diving is like there. I tried to hook up a similar quick camping trip with a buddy but it fell apart. Let me know what you do and I may be interested in joining if you are looking for company. Terry
TerryMVillanova - 2/12/2008 12:49 PM
Sorry - should have read the previous postings before chiming in - (best excuse/new to Dive Buddy)
debay(Dee-Bay) - 2/12/2008 2:24 PM
no worries. it seems like this trip may fizzle. Im down for doing the springs and crystal river. I may be geographically off, but I think Ginnie Springs, Devils Den, and Crystal river are all close enough that we could spend a week down there at our leisure and dive all three areas. my buddy on the other hand, he wants reefs, reefs, reefs. I dont blame him, I want reefs too, but Im willing to make a sacrifice in order to A) get wet, and B) have an actual dive vacation, such that it is. the biggest reason we want shore dives is because he doesnt do boats very well. of course he wont take my advice and medicate himself like your supposed to. i kind of like it when he chums. it brings fish to the dive