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CT newbie going to do local dives Bpt/FF/Milford area
codfishhead - 7/28/2013 6:59 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 7

Hello all. Little about me. Was recently certified at Orbit Marine and need to get wet. I have a 17’3" CC boat that handles just about anything. I’ve had several larger boats and have been on the water since I was a teen. I know the waters from Westport to LI to RI to Fishers to Block. Yes I fish wayyy to much as in a 90 mile tow to RI a couple times a week. Avid succesful fisherman for many years. I fish, free dive, spear fish, and now SCUBA!

Would like to do a bunch of small dives to get used to diving and learn the ropes. Fastset access to salt water for me is straight down rt 8 to Stratford/Bpt area. Plan is to do some local diving around Penn, Charles Island and such. Open to any and all suggestions since I’m just shooting in the dark here.

Would be willing to take anyone out as well as join anyone on their adventure.

I’m looking at my gear now and thinking I may run to Orbits today and rent a few tanks. Anyone interested?

codfishhead - 7/28/2013 8:07 PM
Had a great time this afternoon. Came home with a limit of fluke and a couple nice tog from around Penn Reef. Stopped in to see the band at Capt cove then Sweet Basil for Sushi and drinks.

Picked up 4 more tanks and will be heading to RI at 6am. Post here if you want to jump on board. Going to free dive spear fish and scuba. From Mystic to Block depending what we find or don’t find.
scubadmike - 7/29/2013 1:17 AM
I lived in Shelton & dove in long Island . NOW I live in Florida so I will pass !!
Trainman - 7/29/2013 5:32 AM
Im going to be in Mystic area Sep 16-18th for a railroad conference. Im looking for dive buddy(s). Would like to do some afternoon/night diving. Also live in greenfield MA, so can shoot down to portland, CT to Brownstone Park if you are interested. Have never been there, but water is water. I also hear they have a great buoyancy class.

Also, can plan on diving just about any evening. I get out of work around 4 or so, and sometimes have to work as far south as springfield, soooo that makes afternoon diving in CT easy :)

Let me know if you want to meet for coffee, to talk about details. I’m a newer diver myself, but have my own gear, but no boat... Yet. I like night diving, if in a group, or in an area I know.



codfishhead - 7/30/2013 7:02 AM
We’ll have to meet up Glenn. I went to Mystic/Stonington/RI yesterday. 1.5 hrs for me and looks like 2 hrs drive for you. Great area to fish and dive. Can be in RI on the Reefs, Fishers Island, and or Mystic are in minutes from boat. Had fun but the visibility was horrible. 2 foot at best. Strong current is lots of places as well. Picked up a shellfish permit for Stonington so I could at least collect some clams. Which we did.

How new am I to scuba? Received my Scuba card in the mail yesterday.

Night diving is something I’ll need to do for sure. Lobsters are easy pickens at night. I spear fish and from what everyone is telling me Blacks, Fluke, and Sea Bass are very disciplined targets and sleep. Making then easy marks.

Easy tree huggers. I only take legal fish my family eats.

Things that can eat me make me a bit nervous. I was just in FL and while tarpon fishing I jumped off the boat to swim with some sharks to try to get the fear out of me. Charter Capt didn’t think it was a good idea. I didn’t get eaten but it also didn’t help me. Need to work on that.

Would love to dive Brownstone park, Candlewood Lake, or whatever. I’m new and need to keep getting wet and more experience. Def have a lot to learn. I live in Middlebury and have a local lake here I plan on jumping into. I stock the lake with trout and would love to see if I can spot some.

I have all my gear except tanks. Looking to get some now. I rented them from Orbit Marine yesterday. 15 bucks seems cheap. It’s ten for a refill so only an extra 5 to rent. Problem is it’s 30 miles from my house which makes it a PIA.

Let me check with the wife. We may be heading up your. I’ll keep in touch.


Send me blue water Mike. ;-)
codfishhead - 8/01/2013 1:09 PM
Going to hit BPT, FF, Soutport, or whatever tomorrow. High tide is 9am. Anyone interested?
Trainman - 8/25/2013 10:14 AM
I have three tanks i can bring, i dive with a steel 120 and have two alum 80’s. but there should be shops in Mystic that rent, fill. I highly recommend steel, but you should get a feel for AL if because that is usuall what shops rent out. It is inportant to feel the extra buoyancy at the end of a dive and know how to compensate so you arent thrown off when you rent gear and tanks. Try different wetsuits/ thickness etc. and see how that changes your buoy.

We should keep in touch, my trip to Mystic is coming up Sep 16-18. Where abouts is Middlebury CT? Central/western?

I have two dive lights and two dive tank lights (just have to find the second). If you want to do night dives, then you should get at least a primary light (for simple shore dives) and a tank light. LLBEAN has some nice tank lights if you live near a store. They look like lightsabers and come in various colors. I have one of their red and one blue.

You can pickup a used AL tank for a little over $100. New they are around $169. Steel tanks will put you back about $400, you can get two new or three used AL for that money, and have just as much fun, or bring air for a friend. A good shore dive at max depth 35-45 feet when you settle your breathing will take 45-55 min. 25 foot dives will last longer :)

I am also going to dutch springs with my wife the end of september. They have lots of sunken vehicles to look at.

What size suit/BC do you take?

SqualusMarine - 7/27/2014 3:56 AM
We Dive in The Long Island Sound Religiously, You can check out all the sites we have done from Long Island, Greenwich and all the way up to New Haven. ( We are working on New Haven and East next season.) We have wrecks, lighthouses, rock piles, debris fields, artificial reefs and of course fish! Its all different and you can watch what you want, when you want, when you want. All videos are free to watch and share. We will be filming up in Gloucester next week so if you don’t want to miss out and any action look us up on Facebook and like us. SQUALUS MARINE

Each shark head on the map is a dive of that site right where it is, Unless of course its a new wreck...then its plotted a little funkier. :)

Thanks and we hope you enjoy the videos!