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Has anybody read Deep Descent?
UWnewbee - 1/15/2014 10:07 PM
Category: Books & Videos
Replies: 10

I read this entire book, wow some of the things that happened and it is a true story, and I recommend for All levels of divers! this is a good book to read, it will keep you on your toes.
divingbear - 1/16/2014 4:01 AM
Great read, I found it hard to put down. I’m just finishing Setting the hook, I seem to be stuck on Dorian loar.
dalehall - 1/16/2014 10:43 AM
I’ll have to check that one out.. I’ve done some of the other must reads: "Shadow Divers" and "The Last Dive" and others I can’t recall the name right now.
caves4me - 1/16/2014 11:05 AM
Another good read is Raising the Dead by Philip Finch.
UWnewbee - 1/16/2014 7:02 PM
From divingbear: Great read, I found it hard to put down. I’m just finishing Setting the hook, I seem to be stuck on Dorian loar.
yes i was the same way, im not a big book reader but i couldnt put it down myself!
UWnewbee - 1/16/2014 7:05 PM
From dalehall: I’ll have to check that one out.. I’ve done some of the other must reads: "Shadow Divers" and "The Last Dive" and others I can’t recall the name right now.
Without a Doubt Dale,, it is a real good book, ill have to check out the 2 you mentioned,, thanks
UWnewbee - 1/16/2014 7:06 PM
From caves4me: Another good read is Raising the Dead by Philip Finch.
is this about shipwrecks?
caves4me - 1/17/2014 2:47 AM
No wrecks, the book is about David Shaw, he was a cave diver doing deep exploration in Africa.
UWnewbee - 1/20/2014 8:49 PM
From caves4me: No wrecks, the book is about David Shaw, he was a cave diver doing deep exploration in Africa.
Thanks, I’ll have to check it out!!