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Find the RAT
Greg - 2/14/2014 9:03 AM
Category: Training
Replies: 11

During your Scuba training, were you taught to "Find the RAT" when learning about dive tables (rdp)? Do you remember what that means?
uwlover4u - 2/14/2014 10:25 AM
No but I found the cement bear on the Spiegel Grove once or twice. Does that count? On the Spiegel you find the bear, you move and hide it someplace else and then others do the same. Haven’t seen it in a while though. I think some tec divers must have taken it deep inside the ship.
Eric_R - 2/14/2014 4:39 PM
I thought you were referring to this.
Find the rat
Eric_R - 2/14/2014 4:44 PM
It’s in this file on page 21.
RDP InsforUseMet.pdf
rashley - 2/14/2014 5:45 PM
Well you see you have so many of those left over bubbly things, and you figure how long you gonna be getting more of those bubbly things, and whey you put both of those together you have your total fizz.

Just joking around.
Greg - 2/14/2014 5:46 PM
RAT is an acronym to help you remember something when calculating your dive profile...what does the acronym stand for and how is it used?
Eric_R - 2/15/2014 6:32 AM
Residual Nitrogen Time (RNT)
Actual Bottom Time (ABT)
Total Bottom Time (TBT)
John_giu - 2/15/2014 6:06 PM
Recreational Dive Planner>?
John_giu - 2/15/2014 6:07 PM
he’s a better free diver than me.
uwlover4u - 2/16/2014 7:50 AM
Guys, guys, cmon. RAT= Remaining Air Time. Greg, send me a free shirt, size large.