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Shark Attack While Spearing a Lion Fish.
Green_Achers - 3/28/2014 10:56 AM
Category: Health & Safety
Replies: 5

I think this guy lucked out. Watching this video takes my breath away.
Notice at the end that he does a proper safety stop - while keeping an eye on the unsafety below.
Eric_R - 3/29/2014 4:11 AM
Aggressive little bugger.
Brian_V - 3/30/2014 12:00 PM
..Wow! Good thing that was just a little gray reef shark, instead of a bull or tiger, or he would of been in a world of hurt! I guess if you hunt you’ve put yourself on the menu down there!
LatitudeAdjustment - 3/31/2014 8:02 AM
I was worried he would spear his own leg trying to fend that shark off! He sure blew the slow assent.
Brian_V - 4/03/2014 9:17 PM
...I’m guessing slowing down his ascent rate wasn’t top on his to-do list in the middle of that shark attack!
oceanbound - 6/28/2014 3:33 PM
I was thinking that I hope the guy was ok in that he did ascend pretty quickly. It would have freaked me out too I guess. Maybe another reason i’ll stay clear of spearfishing.