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Divebuddy Members Your Internet Safety
UWnewbee - 4/14/2014 8:12 PM
Category: Web Site Help
Replies: 3

Hello Divebuddys,
As a Moderator on this site and even seeing a few comments by the owner of this site I myself have noticed a escalating situation of New And Old members putting your Phone numbers and Personal information on your profiles and in comments,, This IS all your choice but its Safer for all of you to keep your private info such as phone numbers private due to depending on your settings all this Can be seen on the web to NON Divebuddy members!! There have been a few of you I have contacted in private and you have taken your phone numbers off,,to those,,Thank you,, to those that havent its your choice and we are looking out for your safety,, If you need to contact a member about a dive or site etc. and want to do so with private info/Phone number please do so in a private message/email..Feel free to contact Greg the owner or any Divebuddy Mods.. Thanks,,, Happy & Safe Site Surfing & Diving
Eric_R - 4/15/2014 5:17 PM
I belong to some other forums and it’s amazing that people will post their passwords and usernames for help.LOL
SaintsReturn - 4/23/2014 8:46 PM
This is one of those things that has always surprised me. I know people who are constantly worried about situations and yet make that same "mistake" good call out for those who do not know.