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Is anyone up to diving with a bear?
BillParker - 4/16/2014 12:41 PM
Category: General
Replies: 5

What It’s Like: To Dive with Wild Bears

Why doesn’t the bear climb over the cage walls?
John_giu - 4/16/2014 5:49 PM
No dumber then diving with sharks, I guess,
LatitudeAdjustment - 4/17/2014 6:44 AM
From John_giu: No dumber then diving with sharks, I guess,

No, I’ve dove with sharks, them I trust! I was bitten by a bear cub, one of those stupid AFV momments but before video cameras.

A shark won’t reach into a cage and pull you out piece by piece, a bear could and I don’t think the pepper spray will work underwater either :(
BillParker - 4/17/2014 8:05 AM
Bears can swim just fine but how well can they free dive? I wonder if I descended if a bear would follow me down?
SaintsReturn - 4/23/2014 8:44 PM
To be perfectly honest, I think that would be a dumb decision. That being said.... I would do it if the opportunity came about...