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It’s going to be my first time diving the stolt degali off nj. Any suggestions??
NORTHEAST - 10/31/2014 2:41 PM
Replies: 4

Well I didn’t know where to list this form so since the bottom if this wreck is at 130’ I figured id list it here.
So this is my first time diving the stolt 18 miles off pt pleasent nj on November 16th weather permitting. Does anyone have any suggestions on what part if this ship would be most interesting? Any easy penetrations? Know locations of artifacts? If I should even be attempting to look for artifacts on this wreck for the first time? Possible dangers? Could I get lost fast, not particularly penetrating but just diving around the wreck without use if a wreck reel? Or anything else that I should look for on the first dive.

I should add I’m am not doing a deco dive as I’m am not experienced enough to do so just yet. My plan is simple. Go down the line, drop down the side of the ship to 130’ for about 5 minutes then ascend up to the deck which I’m guessing is around 90’ and finish the rest if my dive there. I’m most likely going to be running EAN 28% in my double lp 95’s with a argon bottle and a 30cf pony I even nessasry on that dive boat.

Details would be great fully appreciated and I will take everybody’s advice into deep consideration. Thank you.
TColJeep - 11/02/2014 10:14 AM
Use a wreck reel. Visibility can change at any time around here. All you need is a diver or two bouncing around on the wreck to muck up the vis. And if you’re not properly trained, avoid penetrating the wreck for both your safety and that of your buddy.
NORTHEAST - 11/02/2014 3:16 PM
Thanks for the advice.
Greg - 11/03/2014 6:12 AM
You may also want to send a direct message, with a link to this forum, to the members that have been to this dive site:
NORTHEAST - 11/03/2014 1:07 PM
Thanks for the info. I didn’t know I could do that