[Choose #1] Back mount is easier for all types of diving. Side mounts are very hard to handle on a boat/rough waters but excellent for calm conditions like cave diving with small squeeze threw areas.
[Choose #5] I dive all 3 set ups. (single, double,sidemount) . I look at sidemount diving as as tool as I do the other 2 ways. Depends on the type of diving I am doing. Dont limit yourself by staying with just one type.
[Choose #5] Depends on the dive. Use the proper tool for the dive.
[Choose #1] Although I have a sidemount system, I am much more comfortable in backmounted doubles. I feel better balanced.
[Choose #1] I haven’t found the need for anything else yet.
[Choose #5] I do both, depending on the situation. Backmount in cold season or deep tech dives (more weight to sink suit and deco bottles at sides) I side mount in the summer and for more recreational dives and when flying (lighter gear, easier entry, mobility