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MV Spree, Blue Iguana
dontdiveenuf - 3/17/2015 3:15 PM
Category: Travel
Replies: 7

Anyone have any experience with either or both of these live-aboards? I’m thinking of trying one or the other for my very first live-aboard experience but can’t make up my mind.
LatitudeAdjustment - 3/17/2015 5:46 PM
I’ve used the Spree both back when it was doing the Texas flower Gardens and now in the Dry Tortugas and have said on here a few times that you get more bang for your buck staying on the Spree rather than in a Key’s hotel. It is however not a "luxury" liveaboard, it’s a converted workboat and on trips the women usually grab one of the rooms so they have more privacy. Franks safety briefing is worth the price of admission!

I know nothing about the Blue Iguana.
john_f - 3/18/2015 3:27 PM
I’ve been on the Spree several times. However, at the time is was running out of Freeport Texas in tandem with the Fling to the Flower Gardens and Stetson Bank. Always liked the setup. The company that used to run it was Rinn Boats, but it is a different crew now. I have some friends that crew with the current operators and always hear good things about the experience.
dontdiveenuf - 3/21/2015 5:58 AM
Thanks for all the input and tips. My only concern with the Spree is that they seem to have a cat mascot along, which I don’t object to, although I have a tendency toward allergies with cat dander. With my luck the little critter would find my bunk the most attractive! :)
dontdiveenuf - 3/23/2015 5:46 AM
Sounds like a great time on the Spree, but it looks like budget and schedule are conspiring to keep me from her another year. :(