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Awesome tank diving and parrot handeling gig full time! lake buena vista fl
Cdog25 - 8/04/2015 9:02 AM
Category: Jobs
Replies: 4

This is an unofficial job ad, I’m just one of the people in the department not a manager but I just want to get the word out there. Message me if interested
Eric_R - 8/05/2015 4:20 AM
Sounds like it would be a great retirement enhancement opportunity.
Greg - 8/05/2015 6:15 AM
So this job is available for someone OR you’re seeking that kind of job?

Where is the job located? What dive shop?
LatitudeAdjustment - 8/05/2015 7:14 AM
From Greg: Where is the job located? What dive shop?

From her photos I’m guessing one of the parks/tourist traps.