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Who can recommend a good quality, affordable, wheeled duffle bag
Underwaterjohn - 11/20/2016 10:10 PM
Category: Equipment
Replies: 7

Currently I have a pretty good duffle bag from Scuba Pro , but it has no wheels. I’m always packed to the limit with dive gear, camera and gizmos. Carrying g my bag through airports is highly overrated....who can recommend a nice bag with wheels?
LatitudeAdjustment - 11/21/2016 7:46 AM
John, not so much affordable but I went with a Delsey Helium rolling duffle bag because I’m always right at the airline weight limit and yes, carrying dive gear, cameras and carry-on thru the airport and parking lots gets old real fast.

Another option would be one of those folding luggage hand trucks to put your existing duffle on but then that’s more weight and unless you can bungee it to your carry-on the airline may charge you for another piece :(

I had a divebuddy who packed everything, everything!, clothes, dive gear, camera for a two week dive trip in a backpack with the fins bungeed to the outside with her exercise bands. Except for the fins it still fit inside the carry-on size box in the check-in line :) Okay, a woman can get away with wearing a lot less clothes than us, sometimes at dinner it was little more than the bathing suit cover-up.
DiverfromBaskingRidge - 11/21/2016 9:51 AM
How about a Target or other low cost store - suitcase with wheels - it does not need to be a duffle bag and you have a lot more options in size, color, wheels,...
cwilson - 11/23/2016 10:32 AM
try Leisurepro. They have some good ones on clearance from time to time. I like Akona and Cressi.
Eric_R - 11/23/2016 6:06 PM
I have an Aqua Lung bag 850. I was fortunate to win it at our LDS’s annual year end dinner. The last bag I had lasted 28 years. So far I love the bag. Wheeled and not to big.
Underwaterjohn - 11/23/2016 10:53 PM
Thanks for the feedback, especially the link to Leisurepro......lots of interesting bags there...maybe they’ll have a good Black Friday sale on soon.....?
bronxdiver - 12/15/2016 9:37 PM
I have the Aqualung departure bag it fits all my gear in it. The fins are the aqualung hot shots designed to go with this bag as they fit along the sides and ur gear goes in the middle. I have a set of gear, very streamlined and bought and constructed for traveling light in mind. 3-5mil wetsuit fits on top as well. None of my gear gets checked. I believe Aqualung has specific gear also designed for this bag and travel in mind too.
John_giu - 12/26/2016 12:59 PM
Samsonite x space series carry-on ( don’t know if it’s still available)
fits everything I need for warm water travel, fins go in my one large check bag.
With spinning wheels very easy to get around and fits in the overhead.
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