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How to return faulty dive mask to MARES?
Scubagal_godive - 10/07/2017 8:04 PM
Category: Equipment
Replies: 7

Go figure...swimming in local YMCA pool with my black Mares dive mask and suddenly mask floods and entire lens is loose??! No prior drops or abusive treatment.
Glad I was not scuba diving! Now I want to return it and cannot find on their website how to return faulty equipment.

Appreciate any help......
Scott_R - 10/07/2017 9:36 PM
Return it to the dive shop where you bought it. I would think most shops would swap it out on the spot.
(I would)
LatitudeAdjustment - 10/08/2017 5:48 AM
Was it their 6 window mask? The plastic retainers for the lens were too thin and they were always a problem :(
Scubagal_godive - 10/09/2017 11:10 AM
Bought it from a friend, not dive shop
Scubagal_godive - 10/10/2017 2:40 PM
I would like to think MARES would stand behind their product.
I will take it into Green Bay Scuba and see what they can do for me and will get back to keep ya’ll updated. Thank you for all the input.