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where can i do dry suit training?
Danny2000 - 7/16/2018 7:35 PM
Category: Training
Replies: 5

Im looking to get the dry suit certification here in the delaware area. I have a open water cert but i would need to rent gear. the pensilvania / mariland area would also work. thx
JohnDiver123 - 7/16/2018 7:49 PM
Probably a ton of shops that operate out of Dutch Springs can get you the cert and rent you a suit.
JoeWR - 7/16/2018 8:14 PM
Hi, Dan,
If you want to do the training at Dutch Springs, I recommend my dive shop, A Water Odyssey Scuba in Williamsport, PA. Here’s the website: Excellent training, reasonable cost, rental of suit and gear included in course fee. We’ll be at Dutch the weekend of August 3-5. If you decide to contact the owner/instructor Frank, tell him you were talking to Joe G.
LatitudeAdjustment - 7/17/2018 8:52 AM
Everytime I’ve been in they have had a bunch of used dry suits for sale and they train.
MDW - 11/02/2018 2:46 PM
I would suggest, in order of nearness to DE and heading toward Dutch (where they will likely take you for the in-water part): Scubadelphia, NESS, Indian Valley, Atlantis Aquatics, LVDC. All have instructors who can teach drysuit.
I also have a few independent instructors names for you if you want to go that route. They will typically offer to combine drysuit with another class for what works out to be a reduced fee over taking the classes individually.
SanctumDive - 7/17/2019 5:56 AM
The SDI Dry Suit Diver Course will open up a whole new world of diving to you. ... types of dry suits, accessories, maintenance and how to make basic repairs.