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Trip to Puerto Rico
Frankenfish - 8/07/2019 2:17 PM
Category: Travel
Replies: 5

Thinking about taking a trip to Puerto Rico. Has anyone been there recently? Any suggestion on dive charters, hotels, transportation, food.
DJJR15 - 8/09/2019 1:10 PM
Hello Frankenfish, at work now. But I am from Puerto Rico and have done some dives in the past years. Let me know what you looking to do and what you like. I have use 3 different scuba shops to see many dive spots. West and south is preferred cause the north side get bad weather for dives. But I will give more info when I get a chance and depending on what you want.
Kat3rina - 8/19/2019 10:33 AM
Would love to try this someday. :)