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Still seeing ads
Fishdip - 7/21/2022 3:03 PM
Category: Web Site Help
Replies: 15

I donated like two weeks ago and I am still seeing ads whats going on?
LatitudeAdjustment - 7/22/2022 9:10 AM
Are you using a computer or phone?

I don’t think I’ve ever had an ad pop up on my computer
Fishdip - 7/22/2022 12:56 PM
I am on my phone. But should not matter as I am viewing it as full site. Also is this site really this dead? Not even a single mod has even been on?
Eric_R - 7/22/2022 10:35 PM
I’ve been on but Greg doesn’t give us many abilities.
Fishdip - 7/25/2022 5:35 PM
Still has not been solved? Is he just never on? If so why would he not give you guys more access?
Fishdip - 7/26/2022 9:26 PM
Still not fixed
Eric_R - 7/28/2022 6:35 AM
Where are you seeing the ad? Is it in the right hand panel? That’s the only spot I ever see them. They are never over the top of anything and they don’t popup and be a nuisance.
Fishdip - 7/28/2022 6:37 AM
All over top/bottom/sides…
LatitudeAdjustment - 7/28/2022 8:47 AM
From Fishdip: All over top/bottom/sides…

That sounds more like your ISP or phone is loading the ads, I’ve never seen them
Fishdip - 7/28/2022 1:01 PM
So just to confirm the button has been clicked on my account to turn of adds? I ask because any other site that has/had ads do not show up any longer after paying the fee.
Fishdip - 7/28/2022 1:05 PM
Pulled this up on the computer and still have all the ad’s same places as when using the desk top version on the phone top/side/bottom.
Fishdip - 7/28/2022 1:20 PM
So going to the original post I have 0 of the things listed?
Eric_R - 7/28/2022 8:20 PM
I messaged Greg.
Greg - 7/28/2022 8:52 PM
Hey Patrick, sorry about the delay man. I will look into this tomorrow. Thank you for your support!
Greg - 7/29/2022 4:39 PM
You should be good to go. I changed your profile to reflect Lifetime Membership now.
Fishdip - 7/29/2022 5:33 PM
Yes thank you! Its all good now!