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Buddy Wanted- Blue Heron June 1 2024
cjhain - 5/31/2024 3:21 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 2

Hello! I’m looking for a buddy for a dive tomorrow at Blue Heron Bridge! I’ll be there probably around 2:45-3pm!

I have been there once before but this time I really want to see some sea horses, octopus and nudis! I have about 50 dives!
Modar-K - 6/01/2024 4:25 AM
If you plan on diving Blue Heron again between June 11 and June 13, please let me know as I’m also looking to buddy up. Thanks!
scubadmike - 6/06/2024 8:30 AM
I will be diving there at the end of the month if interested ................