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Need Some Ideas
DiveArtist - 2/10/2009 3:49 PM
Category: For Sale
Replies: 27

I’m looking for some fun dive sayings to add to my t-shirt designs. If anyone wants to help me out with some suggestions I’d love to hear them.

Is there any saying that you would love to wear on a shirt? Thanks!

seawolfdiving - 2/10/2009 5:04 PM

Yep, I heard one a while back, so I posted it. I’ll paste it here for you...


Technical Underwater Research Divers .

I’m thinking that I should start a new Dive Club. I want to call it the Technical Underwater Research Divers. But I’m having some difficulty coming up with a really good Logo for the club.

Anybody got any ideas…? ...

Sorry, I just couldn’t resist the temptation.


divemaiden - 2/10/2009 5:42 PM

It’s probably already on a shirt, but:

"You don’t need to swim faster than a shark, you just need to swim faster than your buddy. . . .

But if he’s faster, cut him."

I know, really cheezy.
Rich-D-Fish - 2/10/2009 6:10 PM
Divers do it deeper...
SCUBASMITTY - 2/14/2009 10:45 AM
going down?

trojan : the original safety sausage !

when your down deep , and a mermaid asks you for a light,

your doing it wrong !!


not just for dungeons anymore!

real divers have crabs !

debay(Dee-Bay) - 2/17/2009 12:32 AM

I got dive gear for my wife today. I’de call that a good trade.

SCUBASMITTY - 2/23/2009 1:18 PM

for the memories.

crustacean what do you call a

u blond mermaid ?

nitrogen narcosis !

d id


V erify

e verything ?

b ut

u nder

d uress !

d id

y ou ?
UWnewbee - 3/02/2009 7:20 PM


If You Can Read This...... My Tank fell Off!!!
UWnewbee - 3/02/2009 7:25 PM
DO YOU N2o2?
UWnewbee - 3/02/2009 7:32 PM
does the winner get a free t shirt??? lol
DiveArtist - 3/03/2009 8:03 AM
Hi all,

Thanks for all your ideas. Keep them coming. The winner will win a shirt.

UWnewbee - 3/04/2009 6:28 PM
When will the contest end/winners announced?
DiveArtist - 3/04/2009 6:46 PM
Right now I am in the process of re-designing the site so I can’t focus on new designs and the contest yet. so I can’t give you an answer at this time. I didn’t start this out to be a contest but then since some of you suggested it I thought why not? But, logistically I need to get one thing finished first. I would say that I’ll try to bring the contest to a close by the end of April. And I wil announce it in this forum!
UWnewbee - 3/10/2009 11:39 AM
Instant diver just add water!
SCUBASMITTY - 4/10/2009 11:24 PM


if i wore a yellow wet suit...

would you know if I pee’’d ?

a good divebuddy will bail you out of jail.

a TRUE divebuddy will be sitting next to you saying

that was fricking awesome !!+
DiveArtist - 4/10/2009 11:43 PM
I have almost made my decision on the winner. Unless any last minute entries blow me away. As soon as I get the design created I will post it with the name of the winner! Stay tuned...
SCUBASMITTY - 4/14/2009 6:32 PM
the new trojan motto:

never dive without a suit !
DiveArtist - 4/16/2009 5:58 PM
From uwnewbee: Instant diver just add water!

And we have a winner! Congratulations to unewbee! You’ve won the t-shirt contest. Send me your size and mailing address (& real name) in a PM and I’ll send you a shirt! Thank you to everyone for all your great ideas. 

If you ’d like to see all the other styles available with this design as well as all my other scuba designs please visit my shop: Wear My Dive Art! You can find this design here: Instant Diver

Here is the shirt design:

SCUBASMITTY - 4/16/2009 8:47 PM
you might want to check out the copy rights- thats called plagerizime 
DiveArtist - 4/17/2009 9:36 AM
From SCUBASMITTY: you might want to check out the copy rights- thats called plagerizime

I believe that when I requested ideas I made it clear that I would use one of the ideas. In return I offered a free t-shirt. Anyone who did not want their ideas used should not have offered one. 
Fritz - 4/22/2009 8:05 PM
Where did uwnewbie get the idea? I have seen that saying before on a hat.
King - 4/23/2009 12:42 AM
It’s a copyright violation. It is already in use by another company.
jimran - 6/12/2009 4:50 PM
nitrox divers do it deaper and longer,,,when you tied of whats up here go down there its a better world,,passing gas is what I do dive deep
scubaclay - 6/13/2009 9:24 AM
deepn2divin - 6/20/2009 6:13 PM
How bout some beautiful woman ( or man, ladies) holding a tank with the quote....."Lets get Tanked!"
deepn2divin - 6/20/2009 6:17 PM

Or Spongebob in scuba gear holding a bikini bottom with the quote....

"I live for Bikini Bottoms"